I have provided a number of websites that are current and credible. The websites are not meant to take the place of actual counselling and/or therapy. If you have any questions you are encouraged to contact your guidance counsellor or health care provider
The Center For Parenting Education
Parenting tips, library of articles, recommended books Links on Anxiety Anxiety Canada Helping Your Anxious Child-video Anxiety in Children 9 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child Dr Chorney, Halifax Psychologist. Spoke at BLT on January 28, 2015 Anxiety and Autism: Dr April Sullivan Stress in Children Changing unhelpful thoughts to helpful ones Links on Bullying Bullying Facts and Myths Prevnet Tip Sheet for teachers, parents, students Family Dinners and their role in protecting our children Elementary Students and What Parents Can Do Selfesteem How to build your child's self esteem Resources available in the community IWK provides a number of programs for youth, teens and families to access these program you can call Central Referral at 902-464-4110 IWK Mental Health-click on the circles above the heads of the youth for various topics Mental Health Mobile Crisis-Phone: (902) 429-8167, 1-888-429-8167 (toll free) provides intervention and short term crisis management for children, youth and adults experiencing a mental health crisis Family SOS Strongest Families Institute -Phone: 1-866-470-7111 is a not-for-profit corporation providing evidence-based services to children and families seeking help for mental health and other issues impacting health and well-being. Mental Health Services for Children and Youth |